GSO Test

COUNT ON US - Primary Challenge

The Count on Us Primary Challenge is a maths tournament held at City Hall involving over 100 schools from across London. The tournament focuses on shape puzzles, number games and code breaking challenges to help develop children’s confidence, problem solving skills and arithmetic abilities.

Each school brings the activities and resources back into the classroom to benefit their Year 4 and 5 students. Schools then hold their own in-school or inter-school tournament to help them select their three top mathematicians to represent them in the tournament heats, hopefully making it through to the grand final in summer 2017!

The Count on Us Primary Challenge is split into three main categories;

Round 1    Shape – A team activity based on tangrams and pentominoes
Round 2    24® Game – Mental arithmetic activity using 24® Game cards
Round 3    Codebreaking – Using the Caesar cipher to decode messages and solve a problem

Having selected our 3 top mathematicians in Years 4 and 5 we are delighted to announce that they have been successful in reaching the SEMI-FINALS.  The semi final will take place at City Hall.


Congratulations to Marcus and Mehmet-All in Year 5
and to Xing in Year 4.