GSO Test

Mission Statement
Our school's ethos and values

At Baring Primary School we aim to inspire children to be the very best they can be.  We strive for excellence, and are inspired by achievement and success.

We believe our vision can be realised by promoting:

  • Relevant, stimulating and enriching teaching.
  • Partnership with parents.
  • Use of our environment to facilitate and inspire learning.
  • The cultures, backgrounds and experiences of all members of the school and wider community.
  • A risk-taking culture developing independent learners.
  • A community which celebrates success and achievement, and places a high value on the contributions of all its members.
We believe that by monitoring and evaluating our aims we will be able to establish realistic targets for continuous improvement and school development.

Baring Primary School Values

As part of our PSHE&C curriculum we have introduced 11 values across the year. We learn the British Sign Language sign for each of our values and these are displayed around the school. The values were decided by the children, staff, governors and parents and are:
September -  Communication
October -  Honesty
November -  Respect
December -  Friendship
January -  Perseverance
February -  Empathy
March -  Courage
April -  Forgiveness
May -  Responsibility
June -  Kindness
July -  Confidence
A list of the values can be downloaded here    Our Values policy can be found here  Baring Values
It is hoped that the values will underpin everything that we do and provide a moral compass for all stakeholders.  Each moth a the value word is shared in assembly and with parents via the newsletters.  It is developed and promoted throughout school life.
As well as our school values we also teach about British Values.  A link to our British Values statement can be accessed here.  British Values Statement