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Religious Education
Local councils are responsible for deciding the RE syllabus.At Baring School we follow the Lewisham Syllabus for Religious Education (R.E.). We believe that children can only be successful if they have experiences that allow them to develop a positive image of themselves and a respect for others. Through RE we aim to teach pupils about themselves and the world around them so that they can examine beliefs, experiences and values – both their own, and those of others. All children will be included in the RE curriculum unless parents have exercised their right to withdraw their children. If you would like to withdraw your child from RE please write to the school office.
Follow this link to learn more about the Lewisham Syllabus
See how we teach British Values at Baring
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
Spiritual development
Assemblies provide opportunities for children to reflect on their own beliefs and learn about the beliefs of others. Assembly themes also reflect what is happening in the world, close to home and further afield. Events during the bi annual Religious Education week have a strong spiritual theme and at other times there are visitors and groups linked to our curriculum to inspire children. For example, we work closely with the Jimmy Mizen Foundation and our local community groups. Children are encouraged to reflect on their experiences in many ways through quiet thought, art, drama, music and writing. Additionally, all classes have a block of Forest School sessions where they are encouraged to appreciate and experience the local natural environment and the well being effects associated with nature.
The impact of this is increased levels of empathy and children who have respect for others and their views or beliefs.
Moral Development
A Restorative approach to conflict resolution is used throughout the school. Children are supported in resolving conflict and disputes by adults and older children in the school – our group of Year 6 Young Leaders. Anti-Bullying Week empowers children to do the ‘right thing’ when faced with particular situations – whether as a victim or as an observer. PSHE (Personal social and health education) lessons linked to SEAL (Social and emotional aspects of learning) encourage children to recognise the difference between right and wrong. Police Officers promote a positive attitude towards the police by visiting different year groups to discuss their role in society and to broaden children’s understanding. Older children have sessions which broaden their understanding of gang culture and knife crime. We are aware that a number of the children at Baring have had negative family experiences with the police and work hard to promote and instil a positive view and respect for the criminal and civil law of England. We instil a positive approach to Online (Internet) Safety through regular work as part of the Computing Curriculum, the annual Safer Internet Day focus in assembly and through lessons or when a particular issued is raised.
Social Development
Classes are paired for reading and have one session each week where an older child is paired with a younger one. In Year 2 children participate in Roots of Empathy. Trained Young Leaders (Restorative Approaches) support younger children at lunch playtimes. Activities in lessons promote social expectations through ‘hot seating’, peer discussion, peer marking. Additional adults support younger children to develop social skills through play and learning together. Children with learning needs are supported through visual timetables and targeted support.
Cultural Development
Children are given regular opportunities to visit museums, galleries and places of worship. We have attained a British Council International School Award through our link with The Gurukul School in Panchkula in Northern India. Children have shared their learning across the school and there have been 2 exchange visits.
Key Stage 2 children visit the Houses of Parliament where they have a tour and learn about the history of Parliament and how it works. School Council visit the Chambers of the Mayor of Lewisham to learn about the workings of local politics. All classes take part in the National Gallery – Take One Picture project, developing ideas and learning in art, dance, drama, music, reading and writing. Children of all ages take part in a wide range of sporting activities and competitions – including football, hockey, cricket, cup-stacking, tennis, basketball. As part of our bi annual RE week, huge numbers of parents, carers and children attend a multi cultural evening at school, bringing foods from around the world and wearing national dress. Children perform songs and dances and play instruments from a range of cultures reflecting the Baring community.