Covid-19 Updates
We are using this tab to share information that may be helpful to you during lockdown. Please remember the majority of learning is via Google Classrooms. These are some additional resources that may be helpful to you.
Revised Risk Assessment - September 2021
5 a Day Programme - user name:BPSSO
Password: paw8X9c8
The GLA have produced some information for parents who use English and an Additional Language. Please follow this link.
Setting up a workstation at home
Blue Peter have launched on you tube. This might be more useful for things to do outside of school hours. It is free to subscribe - is a link to a site 'Off School' that may have some useful things for you to do whist we are in lockdown.
Rock Steady Music School is offering free live music sessions for Key Stage One and Key Stage Two each Friday. Check out the session here Key Stage One and Key Stage Two
Hopefully from next week you will be able to join in live!
Stretto Music have recorded two music sessions EYFS/KS1 KS2